
The beautiful Como Cathedral

Possibly one of the most significant Gothic churches in Northern Italy, the Duomo of Como is definitely a remarkable building.
It took around 400 years to built the Como Cathedral, "il Duomo di Como". The construction started in 1396, on the site of an another church, both churches are dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta,  and it finished in the first half of the 18th century when architect Filippo Juvarra built  the cupola. The façade is one of the most important examples of Late Gothic in Northern Italy. It was built between 1455 and 1486 and enriched with sculptures, such as the one of Plinio il Giovane and Plinio il Vecchio, by artisans working in Giovanni Rodari's atelier.

Piazza Duomo
Phone: +39 031 3312275
More details (in Italian)

The Cathedral is open to tourists weekdays from 10.30am to 5.00pm, and holidays from 13.00pm to 4.30pm.
To ease the celebrations and guarantee a perfect prayer climate on the Holy Week, the tours on the Cathedral will be limitated.


